Monday 9 June 2008

My childhood:)

My childhood was great, the same as the rest of my life. I was a wonderful child who did not cause any problems. All my parents' friends were envious of such a lovely sweet girl. All of them had little brats...:) Any disadvantages? There were a few, of course, but i'm not gonna discuss them:P I prefer to remember only good things!!!!!! I just wanna wish every single future parent to have such an amazing and charming baby as I was:):):)

Monday 28 April 2008

missing Adana cok cok cok....

I have to sit in this stupid building...but I'm dreaming about going back to my paradise place.... Adana:(palm trees, fresh orange juice, burning sun, my friends there, turkish music...but hopefully I will finish THIS uni asap, and then the world is open for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 26 April 2008

my first computer experiences? hmm...:)

As far as I remember i didn't know what computer was till my first IT classes in my primary school...from the first time i used a school computer till now, I have developed my incredible skill at destroying everything connected with computres!:) Paint was my first programme I used, and the second one was....(surprise, surprise!!!) Office Word 98. I did all my tasks as the last one in my group:) but... I was quite good at surfing the Internet:):):)